Hypnos2012 light, white resinlow voltage illumination system h 160 cm, light body 14×30 cm Design and production Caterina Sbrana, Studio17
Hypnos2012 light, white resinlow voltage illumination system h 160 cm, light body 14×30 cm Design and production Caterina Sbrana, Studio17
Illuminante 2012 lamp, resin, aluminium base, low voltage electric system40x20x25 cm Design & production Gabriele Mallegni, Studio17
Above the tops of these white ceramic boxes you will not find reassuring decorations but small dystopian worlds which can be observed from above, disturbing and visionary scenes or small and big disasters. The series is constantly evolving. Disaster box2015-ongoing sculpture-box, white glazed ceramic11×6,5 cm, 7×7,5 cm, available in different sizes Gabriele Mallegni, Studio17
This object talks about our relationship with the territory in which we live and work and with one of our favorite museums. The container- box is inspired by the skull with the coral kept in the sixteenth century Wunderkammer of the Museum of Natural History of Calci. Wunderkammer2018 box, white glazed mat ceramic, internal third
Parmelia (lichen)2017 vessel, white glazed ceramic and watercolours25×25 cm Design and production Caterina Sbrana, Studio17