curated by Alessandra Scappini and Spela Zidar
12th March 2022
4.00 pm
SINCRESIS Via della Repubblica nn. 52/54 50053 Empoli
Over one hundred of artists for 100X100 Artist’s Books, an exhibition promoted by SINCRESIS, a cultural association for contemporary arts active in Tuscany since 2006 with the aim of promoting creative experiments in the area and welcoming artists from different countries , working with contemporary artists, for organizing exhibitions, conferences, workshops, as well as attending art fairs and participating in artist residency programs. Over the years, SINCRESIS has contributed to training, informing and opening up to the world of contemporary creativity in Tuscany, also involving artists beyond the regional and national territory, as in this exhibition that includes artists from all over Italy and also from abroad. One hundred books for one hundred artists is a project that intends to promote and enhance the artist’s book as a precious creation that stands out as an expression of an individual poetic and as a work that integrates a multiplicity of aspects such as to characterize the work of an artist in its proportional to the general public.The preview will be on the 6th March 2022 at the Marino Marini Museum in Florence during BAMMM !, an event dedicated to art books organized by the museum in collaboration with Centro Di Firenze editions.